Organic Food Projects
The organic food projects consist of setting up a number of growing locations adapted to local market conditions. BYKA is currently working with its associates to select sites and develop a market strategy that will ensure business success and benefit everyone involved. As with our other projects, we will be helping EWAY and the NGOs we support through these projects.
There are many pluses to these projects including additional benefits to the workers whom we plan on helping establish their own locations with a franchise-like business model.
By supporting these locations you will make a very big difference to hundreds of people.
Project Details

NGO Support.
The intended Zambia location will provide additional food aid for Pastor Aime to help his 200+ Orphans. This is but one example where we will hire local labor, train them and provide NGO support. The intent is not to provide free food for all but there are always exceptions as in this case.
The picture is of the orphanage in Kitwe Zambia

Possible Project Locations
In order to be successful we are choosing our initial locations carefully and after that, there will be a careful deployment of the technology to ensure that we have dealt with the local constraints. The current proposed locations are:
1. Kitwe Zambia
2. Nairobi Kenya (two more under review)
3. Near Accra Ghana and Assin Foso Ghana
4. South Africa – Johannesburg and Cape Town areas.
5. Liberia – Monrovia and Rural region.
6. Other locations have not been clarified.
Description Chisokone Market in Kitwe/Zambia
Date 25 November 2006
Author by Edu-Tourist on FlickR
(Reusing this file)

Project Preparation
Preparation includes
– Site conformation
– Market Price Survey and Product Review
– Initial crop growing to prepare for production
– Environment Adjustments

Rapid Composting
Organic waste is rapidly (5 days) converted and prepared for vermiculture processing.
This system stops rodents and smells.

Advanced Technology with Solar Power
We are trying to be as green as possible with the ability to be completely off the grid.
Water can be produced from the moisture in the air if need be. Local organic waste stocks can be rapidly composted unattended.
Unique design allows for many pluses including high-density crops.

We Are Ready To Deploy in Any Country
– Advanced growing system
– Fast set up
– Best Waste to Vermicast System
– International Support Network of Industry Leaders
– Superior Quality Control and Monitoring
– 100% Off Grid Capable
– Extensive crop variety
– Environmentally Sound
– 100% Organic and NOT Hydroponics
– Superior root structures
– Low water consumption
– Fast crop adjustment
– Multi Crop production in small area
– Natural Disease prevention
– Rapid compositing to prevent rodents and smell.