Step One

Time is spent learning about the community and its needs so that BYKA Group can better understand what can be offered that will not only benefit the community but also generate the required funds to make it sustainable.


Step Two

Depending on the situation BYKA Group then creates a Sustainable Business project and provides services and/ or kickstarter money for infrastructure that will start the project.


Step Three

Once started BYKA Group maintains its support with on the ground providing assistance, training, international mentoring and constant review to ensure the success of the Sustainable Business. BYKA Group has a unique business model that not only helps the Sustainable Business and organization that we are working with but also the community as a whole. Each organization that we work with is strengthened through access to special services and revenue streams which they can spend as they see fit.

Real World Examples

In Tamale Northern Ghana, BYKA Group is helping Neonatal clinics improve communications and coordination of the services they offer, increasing efficiency and reducing their costs.

As a spin-off from this project, BYKA Group is able to help girls stay in school through the amazing services and products developed by the Days For Girls Organization. In this respect, BYKA Group is kickstarting a small factory that will make the kits that in turn are provided to girls through approved Days For Girls trainers, run by Days For Girls Ghana. BYKA Group will be expanding this to help ensure that over 415 Medical NGO’s will be able to provide these kits to the communities that they serve.


Why Does BYKA Group Stand Out From Other Organizations?

  1.   BYKA Group is unique in that it maintains strict funding and organizational controls so that the money and resources generated go directly to creating in country benefits or helping those in one country travel to other locations to help start projects in new communities.
  2.   BYKA Group provides unique sustainable revenue streams that  help to support contributing organizations in Canada, USA and Australia, that are also struggling to help their own people.
  3.   BYKA Group creates in country businesses and encourages the people themselves to decide which charity, NGO, or community based business they want to support, based on the unique needs of their community.


BYKA Group does all of this while at the same time recognizing that the International Businesses that support us need to make money – just not all the money.