Moringa Supporters

Moringa Supporters,

The following list of companies and organizations are supporting the production and distribution of Moringa. BYKA Group works with experts in the field and is currently working to support NGO’s who are experts in this area.

Moringa Foundatio..
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Supporters of Moringa

This is a partial list of the international groups and organizations working to maximize the the beneficial properties of the Moringa Tree for both humanitarian and commercial uses.

* Africa Eco Foundation
* African and Hindustani Centers of Diversity
* African Conservation Foundation
* Africast Foundation
* AGADA – Alternative Action for African Development
* Agricultural Developments South America
* Agriculture Mission Fellowship, Taiwan
* Agroforestry Net, Inc.
* Agrotech Co. Ltd., Sudan
* ALMS – Ark of Life Ministries, Zambia
* ANAMED – Action for Natural Medicine, Germany
* Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
* Apostolic Womens’ Movement, Ghana
* Association of Farmers, Educators and Traders, Gambia
* Association pour la Sante Preventive de Rosso, Mauritania
* AVRDC-The World Vegetable Center Works
* BHD – Biotechnology for Human Development
* Binga Foods and Nutritional Committee, Binga District Hospital, Zimbabwe
* Binga Trees Trust Project
* BIOMASA – Honenheim University
* British Overseas Development Agency
* CADEC – Catholic Development Commission
* Canada – Micronutrient Initiatives
* CDE – Centre for Development and Enterprise, South Africa
* CEEM – Christian Ecology and Development Ministry, India
* Center for Cross-Cultural Epidemiologic Studies, Drew University
* Chaoyang University of Technology, Taiwan
* Christian Family Agric. Ministry, Ghana
* CID – Center for International Development
* Compagnie Commerciale de Mumuri S.A., Burundi
* Companeros en Ministerio/Partners in Ministry, Mexico
* CRDA – Christian Relief and Development Association
* CTA – Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation, Netherlands, West Indies and Western Samoa
* CWS – Church World Service
* CWS/Crop Walk
* DART – Development Alternatives, Research and Training, Nigeria
* EBCEF – Ethiopian Books for Children and Educational Foundation
* ECHO – Education Concerns for Hunger Organization, Inc.
* Ecological Internet, Inc. –
* Environment Africa
* FAO – Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
* Federal Ministry of Health, Nigeria
* Feed the Children, Uganda
* Gambia National Nutrition Agency and Council
* Gambia United National Environment Programme
* German Development Services
* German-Ethiopian Association
* GIANT – Global Initiative for AIDS Nutritional Therapy
* Global Facilitation Unit for Underutilized Species
* GLOW Ministries International, Haiti
* GoodWorks International LLC – UN Ambassador Andrew Young’s Foundation
* Government of the Philippines, National Nutrition Council
* Grace In Motion Ministries, Brazil
* Groupe de Recherche et d’Actions pour un Developpement Durable, Benin
* Happy Farmers Maun, Botswana
* Harold Martin Botanic Garden, University of Leicester, England
* Heifer International Foundation – Global Food Crisis Fund
* HIMCON – Himalayan Consortium for Himalayan Conversation
* IDEE-Casamance, NGO, Senegal
* India National Institute of Nutrition, Indian Council of Medical Research
* INERA – Institut de l’Environnement et des Recherches Agricoles
* International Eye Foundation
* International Moringa Network
* International Trypanotolerance Centre
* Japan Moringa Association
* Kenya Forestry Research Institute
* KMTC Agricultural Training Centre
* Kyoto City, Japan – Water Purification Project
* Lutheran World Federation, Dept. for World Service, Mauritania
* Mahasarakham University, Thailand
* Medecins Aux Pieds Nus
* Mercy Ships
* Ministry of the Atmosphere and Natural Resources
* Missouri Botanical Gardens, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri
* Mlup Baitong, NGO, Cambodia
* Moringa Energie Developpement SA, Senegal
* Moringa Garden Circle
* Moringa Research Agency, Kenya
* NANA – National Nutrition Agency
* National Agricultural Research Center, Saudi, Arabia
* National Council of Churches USA
* National Geographic Society
* National Institutes of Health
* National Science Foundation
* New GENESIS, Haiti
* New York Botanical Garden, Botanical Science Research and Training
* Office International de l’Eau, France
* One Spirit, USA
* Optima of Africa
* Peace Corps
* Permacultora Dominicana, Dominican Republic
* Phytotrade Africa
* Prek Leap National School of Agriculture, Cambodia
* Presbyterian Church of the Sudan
* PROPAGE – Association pour la Promotion des Ressources Vegetales des Regions arides et Semi Arides, France
* Public Authority of Agriculture Affairs and Fish Resources – Forestry and Range Dept., Kuwait
* Purdue University, Center for New Crops & Plants Products
* Rotary Club
* RUAF – Resource Centre on Urban Agriculture & Forestry
* Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew, England
* Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
* Rural Women’s Movement, South Africa
* Sehgal Foundation, India
* Shakuntala Bidyadhar Trust
* Silva Forest Foundation
* Stoneleigh, Shroshire, England
* The Berkeley Reafforestation Trust
* The Center for the Improvement of Human Functioning International
* Togo Nature Environment
* Tokyo University of Agriculture, Department of Nutritional Science, Japan
* Trees for Africa
* Trees for Life Moringa Project
* TULUM Ltd.
* United Methodist Committee on Relief
* United Nations World Food Program
* UNESCO – United Nations Educational, Social, and Cultural Organization
* Universidade de Fortaleza, Brazil
* Universite Abdou Moumouni, Niger
* Universite Cadi Ayad-faculte des Sciences Semlalia, Maroc
*Universite Cheikh Anta diop de Dakar, Senegal Laboratory of Nutritional Physiological Chemistry
* Universite d’Abomey-Calavi, Benin
* University of Baroda, Vadodara, Gujarat, India
* University of Botswana
* University of Dschang, FASA, Cameroon
* University of Ghana, Biochemistry Department
* University of Hawaii – CTAHR
* University of Kansas School of Medicine
* University of Leicester, England
* University of Stellenbosch, Dpt of Physiological Studies, South Africa
* University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji Islands
* University of Wageningen, Division of Human Nutrition
* U. S. Agency for International Development
* U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service – NFTA
* Wangari Maathai Foundation
* WECADI – Wakiso Environment Conservation and Development Initiative, Uganda
* WAECHE -Williams Adedayo Enter Community Health Evangelism, Nigeria
* West Indies Self Help WISH Mission, Haiti
* World Vision
* World Water Forum
* Zimbabwe Forestry Commission
* Zimbabwe Rural District Council